In the News

California Joins Growing National Effort to Ban Smartphone Use in Schools

Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a statewide ban as states and large school districts have pursued similar prohibitions to prevent disruption and cyberbullying.

June 18, 2024 - Gov. Gavin Newsom called on Tuesday for a statewide ban on smartphone use in California schools, joining a growing national effort to curb cyberbullying and classroom distraction by limiting access to the devices. Read the entire article here.

Why a '90s Democrat would be shocked by Newsom's smartphone idea

Gavin Newsom and other ambitious pols could turn smartphones into the processed food of 2024.

June 18, 2024 - When California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom laid out an ambitious, if hazy, plan Tuesday to remove smartphones from public classrooms in the interest of kids’ safety, it marked a turnaround that would have shocked any hyper-ambitious Democratic politician from a generation ago. Read the entire article here.

A Mind Shift over Cellphones in School

June 1, 2024

School district experiences document the strategical path to make classrooms phone-free places once again.

Principals often note that their teachers perform best when they engage and inspire. They craft lessons that motivate and stimulate. Their interactive lessons and labs galvanize students to want to learn more.

Today’s teachers are working harder and harder just to get their students’ attention. The chief reason: Cellphones. A mindset shift is needed.

School district leaders across the country can relate to the swinging pendulum regarding cellphones. After the release of the iPhone in 2007 and the Android in 2008, schools quickly adopted policies prohibiting them. Within a few years, after seeing the value of allowing children to bring their personal devices to school, districts changed these practices and policies, stating that “all use of personal electronic devices during the school day shall be for appropriate educational purposes only.” Read the entire article here.